As a previous special education teacher with a focus on providing extra support for Algebra 1 students, I remember how difficult it was to find educational, engaging, challenging, and fun (all at the same time) activities for my students. I also had a background in teaching Art, and I had ideas in my mind for integrating the two subjects into activities that I thought my students would enjoy. I could never quite find what I was looking for, however, so I set out to make it myself! This is how I eventually started creating and selling my own teacher-created resources.
Here, I want to share with you 5 activities that I’ve created to address different algebra skills practice in a more stimulating approach. I’ve used all of these activities myself, multiple times, in my classroom with my own students; I can attest that my students truly did enjoy these activities, and I had some of the most challenging cases of students! I hope you find these activities exciting yet rigorous enough to include in your daily practice or homework routine, or for your home-schooled student, as well. Your students will enjoy the change of pace and be engaged as they tap into their artistic side!
1. Evaluating Expressions Color by Number

With this activity, students will practice evaluating algebraic expressions (up to three variables, some exercises with absolute value brackets). Then, they will color the mandala according to the color indicated to reveal a beautiful, colorful pattern! As an added bonus, the final product makes fabulous classroom decor! If you enjoy this activity, you’ll find others like it in my Algebra 1 Color by Number Skills Bundle: 21 Activities.
2. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials Tarsia Puzzle

With this activity, students will add and subtract polynomials (up to 6 terms total) in order to complete a mystery-shaped puzzle! As students simplify each expression, they will match their expressions with the correct simplified form in order to complete the puzzle. This activity is great for group work, extra practice before or after an extended break, and especially useful for kinesthetic learners. For repeated use of the puzzle, laminate and cut out the puzzle pieces to sustain durability. Store the pieces in individual baggies and all baggies in one large manila envelope for easy use in the future. To make this a group activity, allow students to work in groups of 2 or 3, perhaps in competition with other groups to see which group completes the puzzle first. Finally, this puzzle is best used for skills reinforcement, not for the introduction of a new concept. If you like this activity, you can find others like it in my Algebra 1 Tarsia Puzzle Pack.
3. Slope and Y-Intercept Zen Math

With this activity, students will solve linear equations from standard form into slope-intercept form (2 exercises are already in slope-intercept form) and identify the slope and y-intercept. Students will then fill in an abstract space according to their answer with a pattern to reveal a beautiful, fun Zen design! Students can color their final products or leave them in black and white. Either way, your classroom will be decorated with beautiful artwork as the students practice their Algebra skills. For other activities like this one, check out my Zen Math Algebra 1 Bundle!
4. Solving Proportions Create & Color

In this activity, students will solve proportions as they tap into their creative side! Once students solve the proportions (including proportions with binomials), they will locate the box with their answer in it on the next page and follow the given directions for that box. They will fill the box with fun patterns, drawings, and creative ideas! The students will create their own colorful masterpieces as they reinforce their algebra skills, and you will be able to quickly check for understanding as the students assemble their artwork. This flexible activity allows students to stretch their imagination while reinforcing important algebra concepts. This activity, and others like it, are available in my Algebra 1 Create and Color Bundle 2.
5. Systems of Equations Christmas Tree Activity

With this activity, students will solve systems of equations algebraically using any method of their choice (substitution or elimination). As students find the solutions, they will cut and paste the appropriate ornament onto the Christmas tree to reveal a fun, festively decorated tree! Students can color their ornaments and trees and add their own personal touches as they see fit. Your classroom will have plenty of beautiful decorations just in time for the Christmas break!